The Restock Is Here!

The Restock Is Here!

Our rose oils were one of the most frequently bought items the last few months! So frequent that we had ran out! So, with me being the overachiever that i am, when I restocked, I wanted it to be better in all aspects! So, what's new about this oil? Ingredient wise, nothing. Visually, we've added professional labels. These labels will tell you how much oil is in the bottle (2oz.), the ingredients, the instructions, our logo, and a small, 'Thank You!" in the corner! 

As I continue to grow and reinvest my money towards "The Mula Collection", I want to make sure I'm improving every step of the way! 

I really hope you guys have been enjoying my authentic beauty and skincare business! I work and research very hard to acknowledge myself with plant and oil-based ingredients to create safe and efficient body care items. I do this so I can differentiate myself from other skincare businesses! Because let's be real, they (top-chain businesses) don't really care about natural and safe ingredients, they just care about a big buck! 

The Mula Collection's Rose Oil: $15 - Available at 11pm (Central Time) 

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